Company Profile (維閣簡介)
Vickers Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 1988. We have held the President position since then and has developed Vickers into Vickers Group with various business operations.
Vickers Group specializes in granite and marble processing and production, import and export of slabs and cut-to-size products, construction and professional stone installation, etc. Besides Taipei headquarters, there are 5 block cutting and fabrication processing plants in Hualien Meilun Industrial Park.
In order to guarantee sufficient and quality product supplies, Vickers Group has acquired mineral resources worldwide including Brazil, U.S.A, India, Turkey, Norway, Finland, Italy and South Africa, etc. Moreover, we secure our global mineral resources through capital investment, certified franchisee, on-site personnel, or self-excavated activities to serve and satisfy our client quarries in quality and quantity.
Due to our outstanding performance of products' quality and customer service, Vickers Group has and always keeps a good reputation among our customers worldwide. All these evidence prove Vickers' high quality in our products and customer services.
為提供全面完整之服務,本集團於世界各國諸如: 巴西、美國、印度、土耳其、挪威、芬蘭、義大利、南非等地,或以投資、代理、派遣專人常駐、或自行開採方式掌握多處礦源,以保障供料無虞與穩定。由於本集團產品與服務之優異表現,迭獲國內外客戶之好評,自民國88年起名列台灣八佰家經濟部認可之績優進出口廠商,凡此種種均為本集團服務客戶之最有力保證。